An unintelligent enemy is far less dangerous than an intelligent one…. I’m half human. On my mother’s side. You may be a doctor. But I’m the Doctor. The definite article, you might say. Shut up, K-9! There was a war. A Time War. The Last Great Time War. My people fought a race called the Daleks, for the sake of all creation. And they lost. We lost. Everyone lost. They’re all gone now. My family. My friends. Even that sky. Are you listening to me? My last incarnation…oh, I was never happy with that one. It had a sort of feckless ‘charm’ which simply wasn’t me.
And I’m looking for a blonde in a Union Jack. A specific one, mind, I didn’t just wake up this morning with a craving. New-new-Doctor. We are not of this race. We are not of this earth. Susan and I are wanderers in the fourth dimension of time and space. I just have one question… do you know how to fly this thing? Jamie, remind me to give you a lesson in tying knots, sometime. The world’s about to end, and here I am, stuck in traffic. I’m half human. On my mother’s side. Kidneys! I have kidneys. And I don’t like the colour.
Overconfidence, this, and a small screwdriver. I’m absolutely sorted. All thirteen! You can spend the rest of your life with me, but I can’t spend the rest of mine with you. I have to live on. Alone. That’s the curse of the Time Lords. It’s all right for you, Peri. You’ve only got one life. You’ll age here in the TARDIS and then die. But me, I shall go on regenerating until all my lives are spent. You ain’t seen nothing yet! Run. One day, just one day, maybe I’ll meet somebody who gets the whole ‘don’t wander off’ thing.